
College Volleyball Recruiting Newsletter – IV


Reminder – Championship Combines strongly recommends Athletic Recruiting Counselors (ARC) to help your family manage these crazy times in volleyball and college recruiting. ARC is a Volleyball Only recruiting service, which provides Unlimited Support for a Limited number of Families!!


Video is the primary vehicle for your recruiting efforts, even more so during the current pandemic. While the 2020 college volleyball season is on for some conferences and delayed for others, college coaches will continue to recruit and families must continue to manage the recruiting process.


Since club volleyball was shut down in March, it is not possible for families to provide tournament video from the Spring, so volleyball video must be captured in whatever way possible this late summer and fall:


  • Club practices – If your state/county/city is allowing your club to practice, make sure you are filming. Unfortunately, because of the continued spread of COVID 19, this access to the volleyball court could be stopped at any time (just ask club players from Hawaii). Focus on capturing as much video as possible today, because you can always edit it tomorrow.


  • High School practices – Again, if you are in the gym, film it; same rationale and protocol as for club practices.


  • Private lessons – Either through your club, high school or another coach, private lessons can be reformatted into a recruiting video. With a one hour window, you can easily capture a ton of quality film, specific to your position and skill strengths, which can be edited into a great recruiting video.


  • ‘Old’ video – While the 2019 high school season is too old, club volleyball videos from February and early March can work. College coaches know that the lights were turned off in mid-March, and they need to see you on video to recruit you; March is better than December and better than nothing.


Don’t overthink or stress about your recruiting video. We are in a unique situation now and college coaches understand – They don’t need to see an Academy Award quality film, they need to see your volleyball abilities. Stay focused on your position specific skill sets – If you are a middle blocker, don’t film passing; if you are a setter, don’t show your hitting abilities, etc. Five minutes of quality repetitions are superior to thirty minutes meandering play; the edit button is your best friend when it comes to recruiting videos.

Film what you can film, edit the most current video you have, and send it to college coaches. Recruiting video and email distribution is tailor made for social distancing!